Thematic short films
Our experts include academics, historians, members of the clergy of various confessions, writers, philosophers and others, who speak about the subtleties of their professions, which directly relate to the proposed topics in the fields that are of interest to us. They share their successes in work or discuss how they started their studies.
For example, Vladimir Vasilik, a deacon who has a doctorate in philology, reflects on the miracles connected to the Shroud of Turin, Ksenia Lyubimova, a writer and researcher of the Butovo firing range where thousands of people were shot in the Soviet period, discusses the lists of those sentenced to execution, and Alexey Judin, a historian of the Catholic Church, shares his experience in the dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church.
Specialist knowledge in the fields of theology, philosophy, science, technology and more give experts the opportunity to provide extensive, clear answers.
If you are interested in interviews of this kind, you can use our one-click solution “claim interest” situated in the upper right of this page to contact us.